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1. Stumbled (verb) - came unexpectedly or by chance
2. Browsing (verb) - looking over, skimming
3. Company (noun) - a bunch of people carrying out business
4. Special (adjective) - distinguished or known for an unusual quality
5. Natural (noun) - something made without human care, not with ingredients that were processed
6. Worth (intransitive verb) - value
7. Retrieve (verb) - to get and bring back
8. Patient (adjective) - waits without complaint
9. Scent (noun) - smell or odor
10. Purchased (verb) - bought
Matching Vocabulary Exercise - Use the words above to match the word with their synonym.
1. ____ Stumbled a. aroma, smell
2. ____ Browsing b. native, unprocessed
3. ____ Company c. bought, gained
4. ____ Special d. look upon
5. ____ Natural e. fetch
6. ____ Worth f. come across, meet
7. ____ Retrieve g. quality
8. ____ Patient h. understanding, calm
9. ____ Scent i. organization
10.____ Purchased j. particular, significant
Grammar Point with Exercise:
Complete sentences always contain a subject and a predicate. A subject is what or whom the sentence is about. A predicate tells about the subject. A predicate always includes a verb (action word) as well. For example, let's look at this sentence: Casey walked to the park. "Casey" would be the subject, because the sentence is about her. "Walked to the park" would be the predicate because it tells about what Casey (the subject) did.
This site helps give a better understanding about subject and predicate.
More practice exercises
Grammar Exercise:
Read the sentences. Circle the subject in each sentence. Underline the predicate in each sentence.
1. The astronaut landed on the moon.
2. Stacy went to the movies.
3. Austin created an excellent story.
4. The dog loved to go for walks.
5. He was running around the place.